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Writer's pictureJoyce Tsang

The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing - The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work
The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

In all honesty, not much happened in August, but I really enjoyed it that way.

  • I managed to work four days a week, allowing myself more time to clean the house and enjoy personal activities.

  • I have three clients on board, and one of them perfectly aligns with my business's ideal customer profile (ICP).

  • I have leads in the pipeline and some teaching opportunities that are being finalized.

  • Additionally, I now have time to schedule my tasks more effectively and prepare for my upcoming EMBA student life in September.

Overall, I've taken advantage of the past month to discover the optimal way of working for myself. I've come to realize, or rather naturally accepted, that forcing things is futile. I've done everything within my control and maintained consistency across the board. It's truly about letting things work for me and observing where they will lead me.

ii) My Best Way Of Work - Community-Building

iii) My Best Way Of Work - Exploring My Potentials


i) My Best Way of Work - Providing Mentorships

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing - The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Providing Mentorships
The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing's first internship program has come to a close, and my young yet mighty interns have successfully delivered a sales deck, a short video, a long-form video, and two client stories.

However, the most valuable aspect of hosting them was witnessing how I would train an in-house staff when I have complete authority to make decisions as the boss of my company.

Firstly, I realized the importance of morning lectures. Not only did they provide the interns with knowledge and clarity, but they also set the right mindset for the rest of the day. I didn't have to repeat myself, and they felt confident in tackling tasks on their own because they had a framework to rely on.

Secondly, I proved that it is crucial to let interns engage in more than just "intern" work. They weren't limited to basic research or menial tasks that had no impact on my business. One of the most interesting findings they helped uncover through data analytics and primary research (directly reaching out to people in my CRM system) was that while many individuals enjoyed my entrepreneurial content, they were unlikely to become clients. Essentially, these individuals were valuable in terms of engagement but investing further in creating such content wouldn't significantly impact my bottom line. This was an important discovery that I wouldn't have identified on my own.

Overall, I would love to continue this internship program in the years to come and welcome passionate young individuals as interns for my business. I am excited to witness the growth of these two interns and observe the career paths they will embark upon in the future.

ii) My Best Way of Work - Community-Building

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing - The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Community- Building
The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

If you follow my LinkedIn profile, you'll notice that I share media coverage I'm featured in almost every week. I actively submit content and have been fortunate to receive frequent opportunities for coverage. However, these features primarily revolve around my areas of expertise: entrepreneurship and content marketing.

This month, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and engage with a select group of individuals in the States to discuss topics unrelated to business or marketing. The conversations were intriguing, and we had the chance to exchange diverse perspectives on hypothetical scenarios. I will soon share the final podcast episode with all of you, so stay tuned!

iii) My Best Way of Work - Exploring My Potentials

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing - The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring My Potentials
The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

Last but not least, the main highlight of August was receiving another award from my long-time partner, the CoCoon Foundation, recognizing me as one of the Most Supportive Startups for their programs.

If all goes well, I should be involved in another volunteering initiative by the end of this year and will be hosting workshops with another NGO. Although these activities are not directly tied to generating revenue for the business, I find myself highly motivated to participate in them. Therefore, initiatives like these will continue to hold an important place in my "work" and I hope to foster these opportunities in the upcoming year, exploring more of my potential and seeing where they will lead me.

iv) My Best Way Of Work - Planning Ahead

Joyce Tsang Content Marketing - The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Planning Ahead
The Entrepreneur Log #29 - Aug 2023 - Exploring my best way of work

If you were to ask me what matters most now, my immediate answer would be learning. I am eagerly anticipating the start of my EMBA program with Quantics School of Business and Technology on September 11th. Not only will it be an amazing 14-month journey, but it will also serve as the core of my motivation.

I have taken concrete steps to rearrange my finances, ensuring that I can wholeheartedly dedicate myself to extracting every ounce of knowledge from this program without worrying about acquiring new clients in the meantime. I am grateful for the hard work and foundation I have laid over the past three years with Joyce Tsang Content Marketing. This gives me the confidence that my content will continue to fuel my progress. All I need to do is repurpose and optimize what I already have, and it will continue to attract the right ideal customer profile (ICP).

I am fully committed to achieving my EMBA because I believe that by the end of it, new doors of opportunity will open up, perfectly aligning with and enhancing my current way of working!

- Joyce


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