Joyce Tsang

Oct 3, 20234 min

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

I definitely felt old this past month.

Being out four days a week took a toll on me physically and mentally. Throughout September, I felt like a walking zombie during my commutes, which is perhaps a testament to how well I have adjusted to working from home.

While many people were traveling during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I was busy catching up on missed work and studies. Fortunately, I still managed to take almost two days off to rest, paint, and spend quality time with my husband. I guess that's how it's like when you're on the journey to "making it"!

i) Nominated and selected as a finalist

ii) Finding my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

iii) Continuously sharing my story

iv) Expanding my connections within the local community

v) Embracing everyday learning!

i) Journey to "making it" - Nominated and selected as a finalist

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

This recognition holds a special significance for me because it marks the first time I have been nominated for an award specifically focused on content marketing! Being acknowledged alongside other content marketers from around the world is truly an honor.

Content marketing is still relatively behind in Hong Kong. Most clients aren't even familiar with the concept, and local service providers often capitalize on the term simply by tagging the term on their existing social media and digital marketing packages. When attending events, I rarely come across individuals who share the same level of enthusiasm for content marketing as I do.

That's why I am particularly proud to announce that I have been selected as one of the six exceptional female content marketers competing as a finalist for the Freelance Excellence Award for Women in Content Marketing Awards 2023. This prestigious recognition is presented by Masthead Media Company in NYC and supported by the Content Marketing Institute.

Being chosen from a pool of numerous nominations and having my content marketing work acknowledged is truly exhilarating. The submission process wasn't just about "showing face"; they requested actual data and performance metrics to evaluate the impact of my work.

ii) Finding my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

It has been nearly three years since I established Joyce Tsang Content Marketing Limited. Throughout this time, I have dedicated myself to producing content, despite how tiring and difficult it can get. While many measure their content success based on the quantity of leads (which I also consider as a benchmark), the quality of leads holds greater significance to me.

So far, she is the only individual who perfectly aligns with every aspect of my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). And I can't emphasize enough that she reached out to me again solely because of my LinkedIn content.

Serving Erika as her Content Marketing Consultant over the past month has been an incredible experience. We have engaged in extensive discussions, and I have been able to guide her through my thought process for formulating a content strategy. Consequently, she was able to develop one for her company herself! It is truly rare to encounter a client who values collaborative work as much as I do, someone who genuinely seeks to exchange ideas and is willing to put in the same level of effort.

Of course, our collaboration will continue, but I am eagerly anticipating attracting more "Erikas" to my content and services. This is how I can deliver the greatest value and make the most significant impact on my clients.

iii) Continuously sharing my story

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

Visiting high schools and delivering entrepreneurship talks has become almost as natural as breathing to me. I take great pride in being one of the five entrepreneurs chosen to kickstart the new 2023-2024 school year with The Cocoon Foundation. Once again, I was astounded by the high school students' capabilities, as this group of Form 4 and Form 5 students already boasts several young business owners.

iv) Expanding my connections within the local community

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

There is truly no point in starting a business if you don't actively seek out new connections and nurture relationships with existing ones. Back when I was a full-time employee, my interactions were limited to the company's clients. However, as an entrepreneur, I have the opportunity to engage in conversations with individuals from across the board, whether they are clients, leads, collaborators, or simply individuals with interesting perspectives.

In addition to meeting up with my friends from Green Tomato Academy, I recently attended the first AWS Start-up Day in Hong Kong, where I had the pleasure of meeting some truly remarkable individuals whom I hope to reconnect with soon. I also had the opportunity to attend a Social-Networking & Collaborative Learning event titled "Exploring Stereotypes in the Community," hosted by the You Think We Listen podcast in collaboration with Resolve. It was a Saturday afternoon well spent, indeed!

v) Embracing everyday learning!

The Entrepreneur Log #30 - Sept 2023 - The Journey to "Making it"

And last but not least, it's my first month as an EMBA student. While the first week was relatively easy, the second and third weeks proved to be much more challenging.

Accounting is definitely not my thing, and the amount of materials to cover each week can be quite overwhelming. However, I am enjoying the process of learning something new and unique. As I prepare for my first exam, I will need to shift into study mode in the upcoming week.

In addition, I am excited to share that I have secured my first-ever Fractional CMO service client this month. This means that my entire Q4 will be filled with new and interesting projects to tackle. I hope to find a comfortable rhythm soon, ensuring that I handle everything without feeling overly stressed. My goal is to maintain my usual routines, refine my content, attract even better leads, and only take on clients who truly value my services.

- Joyce
